RHMS Booster Club Documents


Approved May 1, 2014  


Richard Montgomery High School Athletic Booster Club By-Laws


         I.            Name

a.       The name of the organization shall be the Richard Montgomery High School Athletic Booster Club; it shall be commonly referred to as the RMHS Booster Club or more simply as the Booster Club.    


       II.            Purpose & Objectives

a.       The purpose of this organization is to raise school spirit through students, parents, RM administration and staff and members of the community.

b.       This organization is formed exclusively for educational, scientific, social, and athletic purposes as defined in Section 501-C (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), or of any other section of an amended tax code. Upon dissolution of the Booster Club, the assets and income of this organization will be disposed of in conformity with tax-exempt regulations.

c.       The Booster Club shall not take any actions which would be inconsistent with the Club’s Tax-Exempt Status.

d.       The objectives of the Booster Club are:

                                                               i.      To promote a greater awareness of the significant value of athletics in the development of our youth.

                                                             ii.      To foster an atmosphere of good sportsmanship throughout the athletic programs in which our students participate.

                                                           iii.      To bring together in a close and active relationship, parents, administration, faculty, coaches, staff, alumni, neighbors and the business community in order to enhance the welfare of the RMHS student body through interscholastic sports.

                                                            iv.      To provide financial support for the RMHS interscholastic athletic program through organized fund-raising activities.

                                                             v.      To support and advise the Principal and Athletic Director with regard to administrative decisions affecting athletics. The Booster Club shall not take any actions which might be construed to direct or interfere with administrative policy.


     III.            Membership

a.       Any individual 18 years of age or older may become a member in good standing upon payment of annual dues. Dues will be set annually by vote of the Booster Officers. All Booster Club members should conduct themselves in an ethical manner and according to generally accepted principles of behavior for those engaged in promotional enterprises. Membership starts on August 1st upon payment of dues and/or on re-payment of dues, whichever comes first.


     IV.            Organization

a.       The Booster Club shall be made up of all members in good standing. The Booster Club shall be governed by the Booster Board of Directors hereinafter referred to as “The Booster Board” comprised of the Booster Officers and Committee Chairpersons of the club who shall convene as determined by the Booster Board to conduct business.  The Officers of the club shall consist of a President(s), Vice President(s), Treasurer(s), and Secretary(s). The Booster Board shall determine to divide each position into a maximum number of two roles such as Vice President of Fundraising and Vice President of Programs; Recording Treasurer and Events Treasurer; Recording Secretary and Correspondence Secretary. The Booster Board shall vote on committee chairpersons.

b.       Matters shall be brought to vote before the Booster Officers, Booster Board or General Membership as determined by the Booster Officers or the Booster Board. Booster Club members in good standing shall have one vote. Majority vote shall pass any motions.


      V.            Duties of Officers

a.       The duties of the elected officers shall be as follows: The President shall preside at all Booster Officers meetings, all Booster Board meetings, all General membership meetings and any special meetings. The President shall have the authority to establish ad hoc committees. The President shall act as spokesperson for the Booster Club in all of its public activities. The President shall be the liaison between the Booster Officers, the Booster Board, General Membership and the school.

b.       The Vice President shall act as an aid to the President and shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to act and shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the President or the Booster Officers.

c.       The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matters including but not limited to accounts receivable and accounts payable. The Treasurer shall prepare regular financial reports and ad hoc financial reports as necessary for the Booster Officers and General Membership. The Treasurer shall be responsible for preparation of the Booster Club’s annual budget. An independent financial review will be performed annually.  The Treasurer shall file required forms with the Internal Revenue Service, the State of Maryland, and local agencies as required by law.

d.       The Secretary shall maintain a record of all meetings held by the Booster Officers, the Booster Board and Booster Club and at each monthly meeting submit a signed, legible copy of the minutes of the previous meeting. The Secretary shall manage all Booster Club communications including electronic forums, including the website, school morning announcements, listserv and hardcopy forms, and shall maintain a file of all internal and external communications.


     VI.            Elections and Removals

a.       The President(s) shall establish a nominating committee for the sole purpose of recommending to the General Membership a slate of Booster Officers for the following club year.

b.       The election of Booster Officers shall take place at the General Membership meeting held in May of the each year, for tenure through the following club year. Elections will be executed by a simple majority vote of members in good standing present at the meeting. Vacancies in any elected Booster Officers position during the year shall be filled through a majority vote of the Booster Officers and General Membership present at the meeting. The new Board will begin July 1st.

c.       When an Officer or Committee Chairperson fails to attend two (2) consecutive Board Meetings without being excused by the President, fails to perform the prescribed duties of the office or committee or violates the basic code of conduct outlined in Article II - Purpose & Objectives and Article III - Membership, the Booster Board may declare the office vacant.   When removal action is contemplated, the Booster Board member shall be advised by certified mail at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting to acknowledge his/her right to appear before the Booster Board at that meeting. Such a removal constitutes a vacancy in that office, which can be filled in accordance with Article VI- Elections and Removals.  

d.       Upon the expiration of the term of office or when an individual ceases to hold the position that entitles them to be an elected officer or committee chairperson, they shall automatically cease to be an elected member and shall be relieved of all duties and responsibilities incident to such membership. All records, books, and other materials pertaining to the position shall be turned over to the president within fourteen (14) days.


   VII.            Calendar

a.       The Booster Club year shall begin on July 1st of the each year and end on June 30th of the following year. There shall be nine General Membership meeting meetings per year (to be decided by the Booster Officers).  The Booster Officers will set the calendar for the year and announce the dates to the General Membership at the beginning of the year. A change in the date for a General Membership meeting must be approved by a majority vote of the Booster Officers. 

b.       The Booster Officers shall meet prior to every General Membership meeting.

c.       The Booster Board shall hold a planning meeting early in the first quarter of the fiscal year to prepare the recommended Booster Club budget and announce plans for upcoming activities. Additional meetings of the Booster Board can be called by the President(s) or by a majority vote of the General Membership as the business of the Booster Club requires.



 VIII.            Budget and Expenditures

a.       Each Committee Chair(s) shall prepare a financial report as necessary of expenditures and income to the Booster Officers at the end of the Booster Membership year and a proposed budget at the start of the Booster Club year.

b.       An annual budget shall be prepared by the first Booster Officers meeting in September and for presentation to the General Membership at the September meeting of the Booster Club and must be approved by a simple majority vote of General Membership in good standing who are present at the meeting.

c.       Operational expenditures accounted for in the budget may be approved by the President(s), with full accountability to be made at the next General Membership meeting. Significant expenditures for school programs and related activities not otherwise included in the budget shall be approved by a majority vote of the General Membership.  No expenditures shall be made by an individual without prior Booster Officers approval and any moneys shall be spent in accordance with MCPS regulations.

d.       All expenditures shall be supported by invoices, receipts, etc. and these documents must be delivered to the Treasurer(s). An independent review of the financial records shall be conducted on an annual basis or as requested by the Booster Officers.


     IX.            Special Policies

a.       The Booster Club, at the discretion of the Booster Officers and School Administration, shall provide concession services for RMHS athletic events with all proceeds being placed in the Booster Club treasury. Concession services for RMHS organizations outside the Athletic Department shall be provided at the discretion of the Booster Officers. This policy shall apply to groups from outside the school requesting to use either the stadium field or the gymnasium.


       X.            By-Laws

a.       Amendment of the By-Laws must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the General Membership in good standing present at a regular monthly meeting. Requests for amendment of the By-Laws must be submitted to the Booster Officers in writing 30 days prior to such action. The Booster Officers are responsible for ensuring the adequacy and viability of the By-Laws on a continuing basis and are empowered to initiate action for amendment at any time.


     XI.            Authority

a.       Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) shall govern this organization in all cases in which they are applicable and do not conflict with the By-Laws as they are written.